Friday, December 13, 2019


It is a stereo delay with a range of 0. Send a private message to Till. The first uses of delay effects required tape machines and were done by mixing a tape delayed version of the original signal back into the song and you had to walk five miles uphill both ways in the snow to do it! A real quality delay.. Send a private message to Finnish. Send a private message to thehuman. They just sound good. sonitus delay

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One was sent directly to the output and one was held back by passing it through a series of electronics. My fav free delay is TAL-Dub. This setting controls the volume of the repeats in comparison to the original signal.

Buy Sonitus FX Delay

Heaps of space ship landing and feaky scifi sounds. I like the Tape Echo GS very much: Following the acquisition of certain assets and the complete set of intellectual property of Sonittus Inc.

Michael Nickolas is a guitarist and composer in Marlborough MA.

sonitus delay

A real quality delay. Product Support Find answers to questions about Cakewalk products. Factors ending in 3, 6 and 12 will generate triplet delwy.

Many thanks to one and all: Find More Posts by kLyon. Figure 1 Often times it is desirable to have a repeat happen only at certain times, for example on a single word of a vocal performance instead of on the entire performance. The left and right delay factors can be set independently. Though, that may depend on which version you have. Sonitsu a private message to technogremlin.

sonitus delay

Adjust the Feedback percentage to your liking. We sure have it easy these days. Just a personal choice, don't care what anyone else does. Email to michael studionineproductions.

Cakewalk - Knowledge Base - Sonitus fx:delay

Shortly after this, stand alone tape delay effect units came into existence. Am I correct in thinking you'd like to keep sobitus the Sonitus delay, but it got removed when you uninstalled Sonar?

I've been using Readelay and Retro Delay and for the most part they get the job done. Still, they became popular being much smaller and easier to maintain than their tape predecessors.

Last edited by drillbit; at So I gave up on this one. And the Analog delay, well All times are GMT Send a private message to nicholas.

Unfortunately, this technique not only created a delayed signal but added a lot of noise. Smart Electronic Analog Sonltus Again a very nice sounding delay, took me a while to work out how the Delay, Max Delay, and the Syncronisation all worked.

Originally Posted by thepedalman Wow, I'm happy I asked that question. It's dirtier and more creative. How this worked was the incoming signal was split in two. Send a private message to bugs. As you drag left, frequencies above the number being displayed will be attenuated. sonktus

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