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Sign in or sign up to upload your events. Look for it, then click the link to activate your account. TOPY and Genesis P-Orridge's knowing adoption of cult iconography and organizing principles quickly slid from satiric emulation to full embrace -- and we all went along with it. But repeated listening brings new pleasure as the album's overall rhythm begins to assert itself. The rock-fueled backgrounds of Truffaz and bassist Marcello Giuliani provide the impetus for "King B," "Next Door," and "Seven Skies," while such lyrical beauties as "Wilfried" and the captivating title tune provide contrasting musical entertainment that respects your intelligence and appeals to your curiosity even though this set is not that cerebral. Drinking Hanging Out In Love. erik truffaz the walk of the giant turtle

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For Pros Sign in or sign up to create or claim your musician profile page. The image on the back cover best illustrates this new sound: Walk opens with "Scody Part 1" an ambient soundscape that slowly builds as a machine-like rhythm asserts itself and leads into the trippy dance music of "Scody Part 2".

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erik truffaz the walk of the giant turtle

The ballads are the kind of breathy, ethereal fare that listeners of Truffaz will have come to suspect, but they often include new elements that are reminiscent of something from the past yet somehow also unfamiliar.

The other out-and-out rockers are "Next Door" and "Seven Skies", both of which convincingly stake out this new psychedelic territory for Truffaz. When last we heard from Truffaz, on Mantishe was tuetle with a new group of musicians, and his music, though still rife with the feel of drum 'n' bass, was beginning to sport some rock sounds as well as traces of African and Arab pop music.

Unstoppable By Dan McClenaghan.

erik truffaz the walk of the giant turtle

Sign in Sign up Email address. Turtlr you do, All About Jazz will receive a sales commission. Truffaz still fancies that delicate, vibratoless tone on muted trumpet; and his languid phrasing and crying nuances certainly conjures the Prince of Darkness.

Erik Truffaz: The Walk of the Giant Turtle - JazzTimes

Find out more about our use of this dataand also our policy on profanity Find out more about our use of this data. Sign in or sign up to upload your press release. Sign in or sign up to upload your events. Truffaz has already been an important Euro jazz artist for several years, and this latest release should help to raise his profile here in the United States if listeners and critics can dig beyond the Miles comparisons and hear what's really going on here.

Yemen Yugoslavia Zaire Zambia Zimbabwe. Harmony By Mark Sullivan. Douglas also has crafted a distinctive personality, both melodically and harmonically, that always comes through strong, regardless of stylistic idiom or instrumentation.


At first listen, I was somewhat underwhelmed by Walk. Prolific singer-songwriter Wallis Bird tackles inequality and a world in crisis with her compelling, freewheeling new album, Woman.

While Mantis featured a heavy drum-n-bass influence, The Walk of the Giant Turtle is more rock oriented. Press Release Distribution Sign in or sign up to upload your press release. He prefers simple melodic hooks that often glide over the glassy textures created by keyboardist Patrick Muller, but whereas Miles often blew forceful staccato figures and more gutbucket flavor into the mix, Truffaz seldom gets riled-up, even on the more aggressive cuts.

Erik Truffaz: The Walk of the Giant Turtle

Revisiting our best electronic albums fromwe find these records have stood the test of time. Bernard Rose's Candyman offers a moody "elegance", if you will, that's sorely lacking in other horror films of the era. Marcello Giuliani's bass is set to chainsaw mode and descends with the others into a swirling maelstrom before racing onwards in a washed-up Rhodes extravaganza. Diatom Ribbons By Troy Dostert.

But that's nothing compared to the way "King B" slaps you upside the head with a bass that's morphed into a whole nest of escaped hornets, a trumpet sound that's less siren and more vengeful Medusa, ably blended with chiming Fender Rhodes and thrashing drums. The biggest artistic challenge many trumpeters face when embarking on an electronica-fusion excursion is detouring away from paths already established by Miles Davis.

ERIK TRUFFAZ The Walk of the Giant Turtle reviews

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Truffaz overall sound rather startlingly resembles Cuong Vu until "Scody Part II" appears and the group kick into a bit of old school jazz-funk. Email address It will remain private.

Truffaz admittedly listened more to the rock group Led Zeppelin than Miles Davis growing up, and three selections feature head-banger excursions. Drinking Hanging Out In Love.

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